Researching and building the path to safe artificial intelligence systems.

Our first-of-its-kind API can be applied to any language task, and currently serves several production requests each day.

At Deep Fusion AI, we’re conducting research, applying Deep Learning to products, and developing tools to ensure that AI benefits all of humanity.

Deep Fusion AI’s long term mission is to develop more general and capable problem-solving systems, known as artificial general intelligence (AGI) and use it to address societal challenges. We will attempt to directly build safe and beneficial AGI, but will also consider our mission fulfilled if our work aids others to achieve this outcome.

Who’s Involved

We’re a team of scientists, engineers, machine learning experts and more, working together to advance the state of the art in AI. Deep Fusion AI is governed by the board of Deep Fusion AI employees Rishiraj Acharya (Founder, Executive Lead), and Jane Doe (Technical Lead).

Our investors include X, Y, and Z.

Join Us

We're hiring talented people in a variety of technical and nontechnical roles to join our team in Kolkata.